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This website was created with the latest technologies such as Flexbox and CSS Grid. Modern browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari support these functions.

You use Internet Explorer, the last version (11) is from 2013, therefore completely outdated and therefore does not support the functions mentioned.

Diese Webseite wird daher im Internet Explorer nicht korrekt dargestellt.
This website is therefore not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer.

Bitte nutzen Sie aus Sicherheits- und Performancegründen immer die aktuellsten Browser-Versionen.

For security and performance reasons, please always use the latest browser versions.


Hi, I’m Friedel,
a Berlin based
fitness model.

Instagram: friedel.meier

About me

Hi, I'm Friedel Meier, 75 years old, fitness model, athlete and interface designer from Berlin.

At my school I was definitely the least athletic of all. I saw the inside of a gym for the first time when I was about 30 years old. I also started to consciously pay attention to my figure and I felt very good about it. Unfortunately I stopped training after about 15 years because of my job.

The conscious decision to live a healthy life was made again about 20 years ago. At that time I thought to myself: "That can't have been it!" Since then I've been training about 5 times a week in the gym, with cardio units like running or mountain biking in between.

Fast food doesn't work at all, I only drink alcohol very rarely. Fruit and vegetables are at the top of my menu. Health comes first for me, that means staying healthy and fit, being able to move.

The inner attitude towards sport is also very important. If your mindset is not right, then you will never remain disciplined in training for years or even decades.